A Southern Scandal


The famous Murdaugh murder. If you haven’t heard about the famous murder trial, this is currently a very popular news story. This murder trial has a lot of backstory drama to it, but the trial is being directed towards Alex (“Alec”) Murdaugh. Alex is being charged with the murders of his wife and youngest son.


From left, Buster Murdaugh, Margaret "Maggie" Murdaugh, Paul Murdaugh, Alex Murdaugh. MAGGIE MURDAUGH/FACEBOOK“ 

My interest in all this began with the limited time series on Netflix, “Murdaugh Murders: A Southern Scandal.” Me being the crime buff that I am, I decided that I needed to hop on the train of watching the famous scandal. In the Netflix show, one of the episodes goes into detail about some of the information about the incident. Alex, many times before this incident, had covered murders, fraud, stealing, and many other crimes that him and his family had done. How was he able to cover up these incidents? When your the most well known family name in town, as well as being a layer at his families law firm you tend to think your above the law. 

Nobody is above the law! Alex murdered his wife and youngest son trying to gain sympathy for himself and oldest son. Why would you be sympathetic for someone who has committed so many crimes? In reality, I believe the real reason Alex was trying to gain sympathy was in order for the attention to be taken off of himself and his oldest son. After investigators due deeper into the murders, they learned there was evidence proving Alex was at the location of the murders. Only roughly about 10 minutes before the crimes were committed. 

In what world would you be desperate enough to your own flesh and blood in order to cover for yourself? What makes a person think he is above the law? What makes a person believe he can get away with the fraud and other crimes he got away with? There are many more questions that cross my mind when thinking about this trial. It all boils down to the fact that the world is not what it used to be. People are crazy. The most important thing I took away from this trial is that no one is above the law. In other words, what comes around goes around, and I for sure am now a firm believer in that. 


  1. This is definitely an interesting case, I think it has a lot to do with classism. People thinking that they are above the law because they have the right amount of money and the right last name. This is a terrible situation, I hope there is justice for the victim's families.


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