Arkansas Solar

    Solar Panels have their ups and downs everyone knows that. But for us Arkansas residents living in rural areas is this the best option. After the General Assembly passed policies in 2019, Arkansas has been experiencing a “solar energy boom.” Another great opportunity coming with solar power is that they provide “net metering,” which is basically if you only use eight of your ten kilowatt-hour credit you can use the two you did not use to pay off their personal investment in solar. Yet they are wanting to change this too. I could on about how this blog post talks about how this is affecting consumers, but there are other ways solar can affect consumers in the long run! 

    Yes, building the solar panels is creating many, many jobs, but where are these solar panels being built? Most of these solar panels, especially in rural areas, are being built on farm land. That being said what happens after the lifespan of these solar panels expires, and they don’t work anymore. We will be out that farm land! Less farm land means less crops, less meat production, less diary products, and so many more things. Again, there are many great opportunities that help consumers with cost of electricity. Think about though, there is NO clean source of producing energy that we know of. That being said maybe take another look into what type you support and the effects it has in the long run. Coal power plants hurts the earth. Solar panels take up our farm land which cuts back our produce, so what will you do when you can no longer buy animal meat products or bread anymore? 


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